Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
Українська Католицька Церква Свв. Петра і Павла
Христос Рoждається! Славімо Його!
Khrystos Razhdayetsia! Slaveemo Yoho!
Christ Is Born! Glorify Him!
Our community is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to people with disabilities. We strive to make the browsing experience for visitors with disabilities as easy and enjoyable as possible. Please note that we are continually working to enhance the accessibility of our website.
This statement reflects our ongoing efforts to ensure digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are committed to making our website accessible to all, including those with disabilities.
What web accessibility means to us
We believe in providing a website that allows all visitors, regardless of ability, to access the same information and services with ease and dignity. This is achieved through adherence to web content accessibility guidelines and the utilization of assistive technologies.
Our website's accessibility features
Our website has been designed and developed in accordance with WCAG [2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 - select relevant option] guidelines, ensuring a level of accessibility that aligns with [A / AA / AAA - select relevant option]. To achieve this, we have implemented various features, including:
- Utilization of the Accessibility Wizard to identify and address potential accessibility issues
- Establishment of clear heading structures on all pages
- Inclusion of alternative text for images
- Implementation of color combinations that meet required contrast ratios
- Minimization of motion elements
- Ensuring accessibility of all multimedia and downloadable files